Fun in the Fields
School can be tough, and studies boring. So, this time let’s head into the fields to have some fun!
Most of you must have seen your mother, sister, grandma, or an aunt working hard in the fields. Some might even have helped them. Here’s a list of activities to watch and participate in during this year’s farming season. And if you miss some, never mind, speak with your parents or grandparents and find out more about it.
And don’t just ask them, tell us what you found out. We will feature the best replies in our upcoming editions.

Spring marks the start of hectic activity in the fields after a long winter. It will soon be time to sow the fields.

Observe what is longer: the days or nights. How are the fields ploughed: with the help of animals or machines? Also check when the date for sowing is in your village and find out how it was fixed.
Check which seeds have been sown in the fields and where these seeds came from. If you find everyone busy working with the soil and removing weeds find out what instruments they are using.
Enter a greenhouse and check what is the first sensation you feel as you walk in. Find out how a greenhouse stays warm. See what also is being grown inside the greenhouse. Also check what flowers are growing around the fields.
Summer is a time when the mountains burst into colour, flowers all over.

Summer is the most important time to take care of the crops. Find out where the water for the crops is coming from. Also, has it been raining regularly?
When is the crop likely to be ready for harvest? Take part in the harvest and see how it is to work in the fields.
Are there any special festivals celebrated at this time, or any old songs sung in celebration of the harvest?
Go out and explore the fields. You can do it alone, or with your friends. Speak with people who are working hard and offer them some help. Step in the mud, get your hands dirty and find out what it’s like to be in the fields!
Send us your pictures, drawings, replies on a WhatsApp (93175 53867). Type your message or leave us a voice message. If you prefer, just call us and share your experience. And don’t forget to mention your name and school, when you reply.